Transportation & Parking | Minneapolis College of Art and Design-nba官方正规买球网站

Transportation & Parking

Aerial view of MCAD and Minneapolis skyline

General Information

MCAD is located at 2501 Stevens Avenue, 位于明尼阿波利斯市中心以南,毗邻明尼阿波利斯艺术学院. 你可以在交通部的网站上找到有关施工和绕行的最新信息. Call MCAD at 612.874.3700 with questions about planning your visit. The MCAD parking lot is located at 2572 2nd Ave S, the intersection of 26th Street East and Second Avenue South. 


MCAD is a private college; therefore, 停车场和学院的其他区域是私人财产. 在校园内操作和/或停放任何机动车辆是一种特权,而不是权利. 为了校园社区的良好和安全,学院有权规范任何机动车在校园财产内的使用. 校园停车场仅供许可证持有人及通勤者在进行校委会业务时使用.


Who can park on campus?

All commuter students, staff, faculty, and guests may utilize the hourly parking in Lot C, 位于第26街东和第二大道南的交汇处. Lot C is not meant for overnight parking.


Where to Park On Campus (see map)

Lot A–Main-entrance Parking

There are three 15-minute parking spaces, two handicap-accessible spaces, and one delivery parking space in this lot. 这个停车场位于主入口的前面,可以快速装卸您的车辆.

*亦可在主楼南端西面装货码头泊车,供车辆装卸, with permission of Campus Safety.

Lot B–Restricted/Assigned Parking

主楼南侧和the Web (2537 Stevens)公寓楼东侧的每个停车位都有限制,并分配给特定的个人和部门. 未经授权的车辆停放在这些空间将受到罚款和拖走.

Lot C–Hourly Parking

这个停车场有105个停车位,供通勤的学生、员工和教职员工使用. 这个地段位于第26街东和第二大道南的交汇处. Resident students are not allowed to park in this lot. There are five handicap-accessible spaces, three Admissions Office visitor spaces, two Institutional Advancement Office visitor spaces, and one President’s Visitor parking space. 停车场的东段已指定为小型汽车专用. During the first five days of each semester, parking in Lot C will be free to allow new students, staff, and faculty to familiarize themselves with the campus. 请向校园安全部门登记您的车辆,以便他们在除雪或其他紧急情况下联系车主.

Lots D and E–Restricted/Assigned Parking.


The Hive Indoor and Surface–Restricted/Assigned Parking

未经授权的车辆停放在这些空间将受到罚款和拖走. Residents of MCAD can enter the parking lottery by using this form. The deadline for the lottery is every August 7th. 如果你被选中,你将被分配到一个有编号的停车位,并获得许可证.

How to use the parking system


任何拥有MCAD ID的人都可以使用他们的ID进入C停车场,每小时收费25美分. You will need to associate your ID to a credit or debit card. Follow instructions in this link.        

Guest/ General Public


您需要在入口处和出口处使用信用卡或借记卡,固定费率为6美元,有15分钟的宽限期. 待门臂抬起后,到指定车位停车. If the gate display shows that the parking lot is “full”, 司机只要在15分钟内离开,就可以免费进出停车场. Please do not attempt to back up onto 26th Street.


当你离开停车场时,点击或插入在出口塔使用的信用卡或借记卡. The display will show the amount you will be charged. 

At both the entry and exit gate, 司机如有任何疑问或问题,可按“求助键”向校园安全主任求助.



Daily Hourly Rates:

$0.25 per hour for MCAD commuters with ID

$6 flat rate for guests and general public  

MCAD is required by the City of Minneapolis to charge for parking. 学院保留随时更改停车收费的权利,恕不另行通知.

Visitor/Guest/ Special-Event Parking

MCAD是一个独特的校园环境,因为周围的社区与我们的校园融为一体. 您将在MCAD物业和明尼阿波利斯城市街道上找到停车机会. 未经通知的访客或其他访客(未经预约的访客)将被允许进入C区. Admissions guests need to request entry via the intercom system. 其他未经通知的访客可在C地段停车,并须负责缴付地段费. Validation is not an option.

Hosts of scheduled visitors need to contact to arrange parking for their guests. 电子邮件必须包括:日期(s),姓和名,车辆制造/型号/车牌,和业主联系信息. 斯蒂芬斯大道2601号的行动大楼共分配了7个名额. 停车许可证将通过电子邮件发送给主人,供客人放置在车辆中.

For Handicap-Accessible Parking

持有国家颁发的残疾人停车许可证的人可以使用残疾人专用停车场. 空间位于25街和史蒂文斯大道南,以及26街东和第二大道南的交汇处.

Bus and Light Rail

Metro Transit is one of the country's largest transit systems, offering an integrated network of 130 bus routes, 2 light rail lines, and a 40-mile commuter train, as well as resources for those who carpool, walk, and bike.

Parking areas on campus are under video surveillance. Cameras are monitored by MCAD Campus Safety 24 hours per day. 此外,校园安全部门对所有停车场进行随机巡逻. 校园安全为校园两个街区半径内的任何MCAD社区成员提供免费的汽车电池启动服务. 校园安全部门每天24小时提供陪同服务, 每周7天(可能会有其他待处理的服务电话等待一段时间). 陪同人员只能用于往返MCAD主校区和个人住所之间的乘车, parked vehicle, or bus stop/HourCar. 当护送人员在校园内或校园附近时,护送人员将徒步进行, otherwise, the Campus Safety patrol vehicle will be used.

请到主楼的校园安全服务台或在校外致电612-874-3801(校内x1801)申请启动或护送. 如果官员不承认你是学生,请准备好出示MCAD身份证, staff, or faculty member.

MCAD不负责丢失或被盗的物品留在停放在校园内的车辆. 对于停放在校园内的车辆被盗或损坏,学院概不负责